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About the workshop
Join us for an interactive workshop that includes hands-on labs in Zoom breakout rooms. There will be instructor-led exercises where you will be able to make changes to a sample application instrumented with OpenTelemetry to see how those modifications help you get better insights with Honeycomb. Seats are limited, so please register soon!
The automatic instrumentation included with many SDKs can help you understand how your applications interact with other services. But auto-instrumentation doesn’t provide useful context for things specific to your code. This workshop covers:
- Manually creating spans and traces using OpenTelemetry SDKs in multiple languages
- The parent/child relationship between spans and working with the current span in context
- How trace propagation works across services and trace interoperability with other SDKs
- Instrumenting a message queue pipeline on both the sending and receiving ends to make the entire transaction appear as a single trace
Attendee prerequisites:
A GitPod account is strongly recommended in order to use the workshop materials in a live environment. You can log into GitPod using your existing GitHub account.
This workshop requires basic programming knowledge in at least one language of: Java, Node.js, or Golang. Attendees should have prior experience delivering and/or operating production software. Attendees must be able to join a Zoom webinar, including breakout rooms, and use a web browser to access both GitHub and the Honeycomb UI. A Honeycomb account is required (if you don’t have one, you can sign up for free).
Note: Attendees will not be able to complete hands-on portions of this workshop without meeting these requirements.